Toronto is full of life, adventure and new possibilities. I sit here wondering what I did to deserve all the blessings in my life. My life has been a journey of never-ending opportunities, a journey of great people, of adventure, of abundance, and of favour. 

  I often think that maybe because I has such a horrible childhood  God is now giving me the things I missed out on (because he is the God that redeems),am I being blessed because I had to go through so much?,  but then I realize I feel so blessed because of everything I have been through, and because I have been through so much I can appreciate the abundance so much more.

  Life throws curve balls, and I have came to the revelation lately that your perspective is a choice. I have a choice to wake up everyday and choose joy + gratitude, I can choose how I treat people or what I give back in my life.

When I lived in Vancouver I knew I wasn’t happy where I was at, I knew I was being called somewhere else, but I allowed fear to grip at my inner being and remained stagnant for far too long. I sat in the same place, in the same depths, doing the same thing for longer then I should have. I needed to trust!

    On my first full day in Toronto, God blessed me with two amazing people that I had met in Vancouver through a church group I was in. This beautiful couple welcomed me with open arms my first day and spent the whole day with me, taking me to church, making me lunch and welcoming me into their home, showing me around the city and just ultimately loving me. We had great conversations and I took so much away from our time together.

       One thing that I learned from our time together was in the whole world there is two common languages which are #1 fear or #2 faith. In every situation you come across people respond in one of those two ways. If you tell someone about your dreams, your goals and your aspirations typically they respond in one of two ways they either knock you down (out of fear) or they push you forward (out of faith). My whole upbringing I was consistently told that I would not make anything of myself, that I would do nothing in my life of significance, and ultimately that in everything I tried to achieve I would fail and until this conversation I never realized that people would tell me this out of their own fear not out of mine.

  I am sure many of you have been through something similar at one point or another being torn down instead of raised up, but I want to challenge you to respond to others out of faith and leave your fear behind, but also when others respond to you just ask yourself, are they responding out of fear or out of faith? Sometimes it has nothing to do with you and all to do with what they have been taught or what they have been through. You have the ability and gifts to do anything your heart desires and God has a greater purpose for your life than you have for your own. You may not think you have capabilities but I believe “with God all things are possible.”

Isiah 55:9 says “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”. Prepare to do great things in Your Life and respond by taking the leap of faith to do them!

Damien Gillis

About Damien Gillis